land acknowledgement
I humbly acknowledge and pay my respects to the Indigenous Peoples on whose ancestral land I live, work and grow, on the occupied land we now call Austin [pronunciations in brackets]:
Tonkawa [Ton-kah-wa]
Lipan-Apache [Li-pahn Uh-pach-ee]
Karankawa [Kuh-rang-kuh-wah]
Comanche [Kuh-man-chee]
Coahuiltecan [Kaw-wheel-teh-kans]
and beyond, on the occupied land we now call Texas:
Miakan-Garza band [May-ya-kan Gar-zah]
Tap Pilam Coahuiltecan Nation [Kaw-wheel-teh-kan]
Kitikiti’sh [Kirikirish] (Wichita) [Wich-i-taw]
Seminole [Seh-muh-nowl]
Jumano Nation of Texas [Who-ma-no]
Carrizo-Comecrudo Tribe of Texas [Car-ri-zo Koh-meh-crew-doh]
Texas Band of Yaqui Indians [Ya-key]
Alabama-Coushatta Tribe of Texas [Al-uh-bam-a Coo-shaw-ta]
Kickapoo Traditional Tribe of Texas
Ysleta del Sur Pueblo [E-sled-da del pwebb-low]
I honor and celebrate all of the Indigenous People who have and continue to live on and care for this land on Turtle Island. I recognize the historic and ongoing displacement, genocide, injustice, cultural destruction, and land theft against Indigenous People. I am committed to continued personal and professional education about decolonization and my impact on this land. I invite you to learn with me through the following resources: